[ ˈmərˌmād ]
noun: mermaid · plural noun: mermaids
a fictitious or mythical half-human sea creature with the head and trunk of a woman and the tail of a fish, conventionally depicted as beautiful and with long flowing golden hair.
Definition of harvest (Entry 2 of 2)
transitive verb
2a: to accumulate a store of
I took great care in finding just the right name for my business in the arts. My friend at work, whose desk sat across from mine, became my sounding board in many conversations about just the right name. I wasn’t going to make the choice lightly considering it was a name that I planned on never changing. It was a name that was to carry me throughout my career as an artist and as a craftsman.
The name really did start as a dream, one I had many years prior. It seemed to haunt me with its potential interpretation. I dreamt that I was underwater, and instead of fearing drowning, I found myself surrounded by flowing apparitions that I somehow knew would keep me safe. This dream was so vivid that I truly believed I was awake. Following that dream, I was drawn to listen to messages from the deep; in other words, listen to my own soul.
Not all of my work has the imagery of a mermaid. But I do hold within each piece of work I create the “philosophy” of a mermaid’s harvest...to use the bits and pieces of personal understanding that I've gained in this life journey. With this "harvest" I create.
[ ˈmərˌmād ]
noun: mermaid · plural noun: mermaids
a fictitious or mythical half-human sea creature with the head and trunk of a woman and the tail of a fish, conventionally depicted as beautiful and with long flowing golden hair.
Definition of harvest (Entry 2 of 2)
transitive verb
2a: to accumulate a store of
I took great care in finding just the right name for my business in the arts. My friend at work, whose desk sat across from mine, became my sounding board in many conversations about just the right name. I wasn’t going to make the choice lightly considering it was a name that I planned on never changing. It was a name that was to carry me throughout my career as an artist and as a craftsman.
The name really did start as a dream, one I had many years prior. It seemed to haunt me with its potential interpretation. I dreamt that I was underwater, and instead of fearing drowning, I found myself surrounded by flowing apparitions that I somehow knew would keep me safe. This dream was so vivid that I truly believed I was awake. Following that dream, I was drawn to listen to messages from the deep; in other words, listen to my own soul.
Not all of my work has the imagery of a mermaid. But I do hold within each piece of work I create the “philosophy” of a mermaid’s harvest...to use the bits and pieces of personal understanding that I've gained in this life journey. With this "harvest" I create.